Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine all bilateral cultural activities with Russian state institutions and organizations have been temporarily suspended.
The Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow (ACF Moscow) sees itself as a cooperation partner and contact point for Austrian artists, cultural institutions and scientists for the initiation, planning and implementation of Austro-Russian cultural and scientific projects.
Онлайн | 15.04.24
- Высшее образование
Вебинар: Учеба в Европе
online | 31.10.23–14.11.23
Фестиваль Европейского кино
Грац | 13.06.23–06.08.23
Объявление о получении стипендий «Styria-Artist-in-Residence-Stipendien (St.A.i.R.) 2024»
Грац, Австрия | 19.02.23–30.03.23
- фотография
Открыт прием заявок: Graz Residency for International Photographers
Австрия | 25.10.22