Children´s project of the austrian author Dagmar Glüxam
A reading for children from the age of four with pictures and violin music- Music-loving children discovered Austria and its rich musical traditions. The program included a reading by the Austrian author Dagmar Glüxam with her children`s book “The Snail and the Violin” and a concert, coordinated with the book, by young musicians from the Moscow W.A. Mozart children music school.
A word from the author: When I first began to teach music history to the world-famous Wiener Sängerknaben, a student of fifteen years came to me in the first hour and said to me: „Professor, because of your book I started to play the violin. And I still play it today!” I was very happy about that, because that was the reason why I wrote and illustrated my children's book about the violin.
Author, Musician, Painter,
Univ. Dr. Doz. Phil. Dagmar Glüxam
Internationally recognized Austrian music historian of Czech origin, violonist, children`s book author and illustrator, specialist for the music of the 17th and 18th centuries and her performance practice, university lecturer at the University of Vienna, at the University of Music Vienna and the Ostrava Art University.